Urgent Care and Why the Services Are Beneficial

Urgent Care near me in Durham, NC are established to provide immediate assistance for patients suffering from injuries or illnesses that aren't life-threatening but can't wait until the next day to seek close medical attention from a doctor. The services are beneficial when primary care doctors are unavailable, or access to quality health facilities is limited. It is crucial to remember that urgent care cannot replace emergency medical care. Some situations are considered to be emergencies and need to be dealt with by taking patients into an ER in an equipped hospital since they could endanger the patient's life. A deep knife wound, seizures as well as severe chest pains, pregnant-related issues, and other conditions are considered an emergency. The urgent care centers may not be able to manage these, but they can take care of less serious medical emergencies such as flu, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and strains and sprains. Injuries to the back fall and eye ...