Affordable Urgent Care and Walk-In Clinic in Raleigh

We know that it can be tough to find time to wait in a crowded clinic when you're sick. If you need affordable urgent care or a walk-in clinic with limited wait times, our Raleigh Brier Creek location is the perfect place for you. Are you looking for an Affordable Urgent Care in Raleigh, NC or walk-in clinic in Raleigh? Check out our blog for a list of some of the best options in the area! When to Visit? If you're not feeling well nor have an injury requiring medical attention, you may be wondering if you should visit an urgent care center or a walk-in clinic. Both types of facilities can provide quality care, but some differences exist. Here's a look at when you should visit every kind of facility: Urgent Care: An urgent care center is the best option if you have a non-life-threatening medical emergency, such as a bad cut or a broken bone. Urgent care centers can provide primary emergency care and will refer you to a hospital if necessary. Walk-In Clinic: A wa...